NEWS: COVID-19 update information & safety measures

Corona caught everyone by surprise and also impacted the world of logistics in many ways. Governments across Europe have taken measures and recommended different sectors to do the same. We, as Move Intermodal, implemented safety measures in relation to COVID-19. Prioritizing the well-being of our Move Family and the operational continuity to maintain a high-level customer service. A Corona Coordination Team has been created and have set out the following guidelines throughout our organisation.

Well-being Move family


  • Rules of social distancing are in place. Maintaining a physical distance of minimum 1,5 meters at all times.
  • Advice given to wash hands regularly and thoroughly, to cough or sneeze into a tissue or inside the elbow and avoidance of touching face, nose, mouth, eyes.
  • Obligation to report symptoms of illness.


  • Provision and obligations in place to wear a mask when leaving the workplace.
  • Desks are placed in such a way that the workplaces are spread 1.5 meters apart and comply with the regulations.
  • Workplaces are disinfected and ventilated on a regular basis.
  • Cleaning frequency of high-touch surfaces (light switches/door handles/etc.) is increased.
  • Lunch breaks, gatherings and internal meetings will be limited to a minimum amount of people and spread over time.
  • Face-to-face meetings with external contacts are not allowed and can be replaced via video conferencing tools.


  • Working from home is highly recommended after consultation.
  • Traveling abroad is still prohibited.
  • There is still time for social talk whenever there is a need. Video conference tools can be used.

Operational continuity

To guarantee our operational continuity and meet customer needs and expectations, our Corona Coordination Team has set out specific guidelines for our drivers to follow:

Operational continuity info sheet



In case you still have questions concerning our operations during these times, get in touch with your usual contact person or dial our general number: +32 89 242 900

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